ABC Diet is still going strong, today's 100 calorie day went surprisingly well. I think I mucked up a bit yesterday not completely sure what the calories were though so I'm going to say I went over (but I may not have) so I will have less of my allowed calories tomorrow to make up for it. I don't feel bad doing that cause I was reading on the internet that there is really no rhyme or reason to the specific days someone just wrote them down and that was it.
The scales say I have already lost weight... well yah 5 days I would bloody hope so but I don't think I've lost as much as they say. Why is it I always believe when I have a monster weight gain but not the loss?
So my sisters baby is officially a boy :) and I've started shopping, I'm thinking since it was conceived in London I would get a London suitcase (not a real one, just a touristy thing) and buy loads of clothes and things over here that they don't sell in Australia. I went into Ralph Lauren today (yes they do sell that in Aust, we're not that bad, but never go there) it was a bit depressing that the first time I shopped there and it isn't even for me. But they were having a huge sale so got three cute little outfits that my sister will LOVE.
Bit worried about Norway next week and keeping to the diet, I've really only got one day to worry about before I fly back for the Olympic opening ceremony but then I have to go back again :/ oh well I'll figure something out.
Congrats on the ABCDiet! Also all that matters with the diet is that you vary your days so if you go over one day there really isn't a need to go lower the next because you are still varying your days, if you get what I'm saying. Congrats on your nephew, I'm sure he will be adorable! Hopefully when the time come you will be able to post pictures.