
Sunday 1 July 2012


Not the best photo, but these are my cupcake creations before I boxed them up. Most of them died on the way home on the bus all turning over :(

I can't wait until tomorrow I am going to start tomorrow until next Saturday, when I'm going out to dinner with friends again, to have 600 calories or less. I'm not going all out and doing exercise on top I'm just going to start with the food and build on to exercise the week after. I've just gotten too fat things are out of control and they need to be fixed.

When I have I day like today, which was fun! Cake course then to dinner with friends where I actually laughed and enjoyed myself I think maybe I should stay here and not move home. An old friend asked me the other day if I missed Australia, I don't really. I said apart from immediate family I don't have anything there to miss. 

Anyway wish me luck for tomorrow. I'm going to be strong! Even sending cupcakes to work with my friend so I don't eat them!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! I want to go on a cake course now :(
    Your plan sounds good its similar to mine too getting one thing under control at a time :) Good luck <3 xx
