I decided this afternoon, when feeling like the most obese person in the world while shopping, that I am going to start the ABC diet on Sunday. I don't know quite how it's going to go I will at the very least go until day 10 at which point I need to go to Norway for work. So I can try and keep doing it while away or just try and eat very little amounts and start again when I get home.
I've counted forward and the day we fly will be a fast day :/ which normally I could get away with, no one every being the wiser, but since I will be with my boss from morning until night she is obviously going to notice. I thought I could say I feel a bit sick, just not right to eat which could possibly get me past the fast day and if she notices me eating low the next day I could say I'm just building back up slowly don't want to risk being sick blah, blah, blah. But that would only work once, and she would start asking a lot of questions when the next fast day came around. I can get away with quite a lot cause she knows I'm such a fussy eater but she will notice if I just don't eat.
So haven't quite decided on the how yet, but it is definitely happening! I need something drastic to get my body out of this obese state it is in.
I wanted do the ABC diet too, but I'm not sure if I can stick to it. If you can stick to it, respect..:) Having people around you that tell you all day to eat or why you don't eat can be so annoying..but I guess its something that everyone who wants to lose weight has to deal with...good luck with the diet