
Monday, 23 July 2012

Off to Norway

Off to Norway in the morning BLAH! All I can think about is how hard it is going to be to restrict. It's not that I care what she thinks of me I just don't want the awkward questions.

Had a complete disaster of a day yesterday. I got to late afternoon and then had a complete binge, I did throw up but you never get it all up. So annoying I was doing so well. I did think of starting over again but I don't deserve that. After the revolting binge I deserve to get to the end of the diet and not be able to say I've done it, that's my punishment. And I then I might even have to do it again.
Although YAY for baby steps. Normally I binge and either ruin and get depressed so binge again for a few days or just not binge but just eat whatever. This time I binged and I have got straight back on track.

It's weigh in tomorrow. AHHHHHHHHH! Have to do it a day early cause we will be in Oslo. I'm hoping my binge wasn't bad enough that I've gained. Will be doing a lot of short weigh ins unfortunately. Next week will be a Monday,  then Monday then hopefully back to Wednesdays.

Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. It sucks to mess up but you should be commended for just getting right back on the wagon. Every time I trip and fall I tend to stay down for awhile and whine and console myself but that doesn't help. You really just need to pull yourself by your bootstraps and continue on, so congrats on that.

