
Monday, 17 September 2012

How to ruin a day, without fail.

So how do you make sure you have completely ruined your entire day by 6am? You weigh yourself.
It was one of those ones where I shouldn't be weighing cause I try to only weigh myself on a Wednesday or I get to obsessed about it, but I needed to see how much damage I had done. And boy have I done a lot, in less than a week too. I was hoping and praying that it wouldn't be much and sort of convincing myself that it can't be bad, I was dead wrong! I won't tell you how much I've gained.. I will save that for my official weigh in on Wednesday no doubt my fat self will gain even more by then.

I hate myself.

I'm sorry I'm so fat.


  1. Interesting though, if I weigh in at a good number, my day is usually ruined, because I'm like. Okay thats a nice number then psychologically something fucks out and I go, well okay so i won't lose tomorrow but as long as i don't gain. Queue eatathon. :( I'm sure its not that bad. It could just be a ... water retention salt thing. Probably is. OR food weight. :) It will definitely be better tomorrow. Xo

  2. Sorry about the let down. I understand the whole obsessive weight checks. I try to only weigh myself Fridays and Monday's but recently it's like every time I go in my bathroom I weigh myself. Thankfully I'm not home most of the day so it's maybe once or twice a day, but it gets frustrating never seeing the numbers go down.

