My flat mate has just made me brownies. She also says I need to eat more normally. Fuck off.
I googled myself before turns out another me is a complete fitness freak and shit rumours of her being anorexic... its like its a sign.
I need to be better. I'm going to gain this week I know it.
I hate hate hate when people say "eat more normally". What the f does that even mean?!? I have binge/purge tendencies so when people say that all I hear is, "You're fat! You need to stop eating so much". I don't know what you hear but I imagine you still wanna bitch slap them. lol Hang in there.
Half the people who tell me to 'eat normally' are those who eat recklessly and awfully. I see them stuffing themselves with the worst things possible and question - is THAT normal?!