
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Got to get my shit sorted!

Just a short post tonight as I'm sooo tired.
Couldn't walk to work this morning as it was pissing down so walked home instead. :) Took me 1hr 52mins so I'm getting fast already YAY. My legs hurt so much though.

Had yet another terrible eating day I don't know what the hell is going on. I had about 992.5 calories. FUCK!

It's weigh in tomorrow I'm not looking foward to it, I know I've gained, I've been eating everything in sight since I gained last weigh in... not really the way to go.

I hate being fat.

I just need to be good for a few days running and then I get my momentum back, I'm going to try so hard to stay on track tomorrow!


  1. Still really really proud, but isn't it a serious waste of time? Like... Maybe only walk half the way? PROUD! I would prolly walk home instead of to work since I prefer to sleep in :D Xo

    1. Can't think of it as a waste of time, I have to do it if I don't want to be this big fat heffa that I currently am.
      Only ends up being an extra 30mins or so sleep in the morning if I don't walk cause it takes me ages to get there on public transport too.
