
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Stupid laptop!

After going so well since being in Norway my laptop now decides it doesn't want to connect to the Wi-fi so am on my iPhone sorry for spelling mistakes! Today went reasonably well. I have been craving chocolate ALL day and just knowing that I would have to write about it on here has kept me away from the cupboard! Took M for a walk in the pram about 40 mins nothing huge but it was raining and really cold so hoping I burnt a few more calories than normal. Very annoyed that I can't go swimming tonight but I sliced into my finger ACCIDENT (who actually has a sharp bread and butter knife?) so it hasn't completely stopped bleeding which means I can't go swimming :( I feel like a heffa already! Breakfast: apple 70 calories Lunch: snack a jacks and toast 178 calories Dinner: toast 80 calories Snacks: apple juice 110? Calories Total = 438 calories Weigh in tomorrow I don't want to at all. I know I've put on weight this week and I know I'm going to be even more depressed about it when I get on the scales and it's confirmed. God I wish I were thin!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it's not that bad. I royally fucked up my finger last night too. Fucking painful. PAIN! Xo
