
Saturday 19 January 2013

Down 2kg.

I haven't written for ages, but I am down another 2kg. The first week was good lost 1.7 then the next week I lost 300 grams. What a complete waste! I spent 2 hours at the gym nearly every day burning between 750 and 1000 calories for a stupid 300 grams. 300 FUCKING GRAMS! I'm over it, so close to giving up. I just want it to come off, to melt away but it's not working.

We're trying on bridesmaid dresses on Thursday, just what I need. I hate trying clothes on. My promise to myself to not be a fat bridesmaid isn't going to happen.

I just need to get rid of this fat!


  1. congratulations on the loss! don't be discouraged, sometimes there are those times that it isn't doing ANYTHING and it makes no sense. but all you can do is push ahead...getting mad and losing resolve only makes the problem worse. At least it's not getting worse. :) small steps...that what I tell myself...

  2. Could be that time of the month or something like that. keep going, a week of not losing weight just means that next week your loss will be huge.

  3. Emily Anonymous took the words out of my mouth. This happens to me and I feel like "what is the point!?"but the next week it never fails that it falls right off!

  4. You, my dear, are going to be the BLOODY HOTTEST BRIDESMAID AT THAT WEDDING EVER. Honestly.

    Princess xxx
